Platinum is looking for a contractor to do a fab new office fit out.
- Full office re-fit
- Illustrate/ decorate new offices/ design studio
- Supply all required furniture
- Provide and fit carpet tiles
- Prep/paint Factory
We aim to begin this project on the In December and would anticipate it would take approximately 12 weeks to complete the works.
The address on the building is:
- Unit 1
- Fairfield House
- Toller Lane
- Bradford
- BD8 8LX
Decision criteria:
- Costs - 50%
- Ability to meet timescales - 40%
- Offer design advice on "finishes"- 10%
This project is subject to part funding by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Growth Programme 2014-2020.
All entries must be submitted by 3/12/2018
Please submit all quotes to To discuss further please call 01274 483457.